I've had this for a while, was very apprehensive to 'do' this operation;lol, two bolts off , two bolts on, kick and go. (bike was still warm from earlier)Well I did watch a few videos over the last two months, otherwise forget it.Turn FUEL OFF, remove fuel hose, air filter, take off two mnting bolts,(I didn't need new gaskets nor need to remove riser stem, still perfect)pull carb slightly halfway out of area, unscrew top cap , compress long spring sothe cable end can come out.the long slot of the internal slider thing that houses the cable, spring and needlegoes to only one way , so you can't really mess it up , don't force anything it shouldgo in and or out very easy. remove old carb, put new one on in reverse of taking old oneoff, ; feed cable back through top cap, and spring.This part is tricky left hand has to hold cap , spring cable, compress the spring andhold with left hand, grab cable end with right hand , pull it tight till it can be pulledlonger than the 'slider' length , fix it into the keeper hole, the one you['d removed thecable from to begin with.slide assembly into new carb, screw down cap.Put main bolts back in, snug, add air filter, fuel line back on, fuel valve on.Kick or push electric start , should start right up.Tool notes for 140cc pit bike; 8mm socket and open end, 10mm socket and open endand hand driver for both if you have them. I removed the spark plug wire to accesspassenger or rt side of bike to get one of the two 10mm main bolts out.Kick the tire one way or the other to get the fender out of the way so youcan us a hand driver to remove the bolts.This is the same carb as the oem as best I can tell, but my oem had had a ton ofhours on it so the bike was running poorly, this replacement was a night andday improvement.There's a fuel mix on the bottom , the default setting should be ok...I suggest replacing that screw before installing carb with an aftermarketfuel mix srew, they are longer and extend out with a 4 paddle numberedthumb, easy adjust end.The side adjust that they call air mix, is also called idle adjust , seems thatmost people tell us that if you need to adjust , screw it all the way in verygently so you don't damage it, and back out 1.5 to two revolutions/turns.Same pretty much goes for the fuel mix screw on the bottom.I hope some of this makes sense and helps someone, go to youtubefor a whole bunch of pit bike or just plain 4 stroke fuel mix , and air adjust or air mix,try combinations of those terms in search and those videos can further guide youin the process.Once you've done this you'll never be apprehensive about replacing a simple carblike this one.Best to all/
I was amazed that this had so much stuff with it for the price! Complete electrical replacement including all of the components. It was easy to switch everything out and fired up first try. Very pleased!
I bought these but were not a fit for my VL800. I returned it for another one that didn't quite fit either. These would have been more comfortable if they could be installed.
Looked great but realized when I tried to put them on that “universal” isn’t quite big enough for my bike. It’s 1/16” off but just enough that I cannot get it on. So check the diameter before you buy.
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